CCS on Basque TV and radio!

The Basque national news network (EiTB) made this two minute piece about the 2012 Cross Culture Surf exchange that featured on both the Basque and Spanish news. We also had two radio interviews with Gaztea and Bizkaia Irratia. Many thanks for your interest and support!


  • Pello and Zaloa says:

    Aupa neska-mutilak!
    Pena haundixa emoten dozku oinguan hor ez egotiak,
    beskarda haundi bat danori Zaloa ta nere partez Méxicotik!
    Ándale-ándale arriba-arriba!
    ETB-ko notizixetan ikusi zaitxuegu eta aurpegi ona dakazue!
    Rory, hope you’ve learnt to pronounce RRR pRopeRly! 🙂
    Best wishes for everybody from Zaloa and me from México!

  • Pello says:

    Oh Rory, forgot to say something, try not to lose so many socks this time!

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